How to delete watched history in Facebook, Step by step guide

How to delete watched history in Facebook, Step by step guide

How to delete watched history on Facebook, Step by step guide

Facebook allows users to clear their watch history, but the exact steps may change due to updates or changes in the platform. As of that time, here's a general guide on how to delete your watched history on Facebook:

1. Open Facebook:

 Log in to your Facebook account.

2. Navigate to Watch:

 Click on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner to open the menu.

 Scroll down and click on "Watch" from the menu.

3. Access Watch History:

 On the left sidebar, you should see "Your Watchlist" and "Watch History." Click on "Watch History."

4. Delete Specific Video:

 Hover over the video you want to remove from your history.

 Click on the three dots (ellipsis) that appear.

 Select "Remove from Watch History."

5. Clear All Watch History:

 To clear your entire watch history, look for an option like "Clear All" or "Clear Watch History." This might be located at the top or bottom of your Watch History page.

Please note that Facebook's interface and features may change over time. If the steps have changed or if there have been new features added, I recommend checking Facebook's Help Center or support resources for the most up-to-date information. You can typically find this information in the "Settings" or "Help" section of the Facebook platform.

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